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The SIMRP Advantage.

Difficulty with employee retention and engagement is a common issue amongst thousands of organizations across the nation. Could you imagine what it would be like to have an employee engagement platform that saves your company money and retains quality employees at the same time? Your business would increase in revenue, efficiency, and quality of service. Pinnacle Solutions will help make what you imagined, become reality.


We provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art, proprietary benefits package that includes mental and personal health programs at no net cost to employers or employees.


Our Self Insured Medical Reimbursement Plan (SIMRP) gives employees access to our robust Preventive Care Management Program, Employee Assistance Program, and Telehealth, including access to Voluntary Health Benefits. Employers receive an average savings of $550 per qualified and participating employee, per year, beginning on the next payroll cycle. For example, if you have 100 employees, we'll save you $55,000 per year or $4,600 per month. Your organization needs just 3 or more qualified employees to take advantage of the program.


At no net cost, employers now have the opportunity to engage employees on multiple levels, increasing retention and overall job satisfaction. See features below:

Employee Assistance

Our Preventive Care Management & EAP Program helps your employees maintain good health and well-being, which aids in employee retention. There are no out-of-pocket expenses for qualified employees or the employer, to use these programs. Benefits include decreased absenteeism, increase productivity, and higher morale.

Health Benefits

We provide supplemental health benefits to your qualified employees without additional out-of-pocket expense, enhancing employee retention and protection at a significant cost savings. Benefits include reduced healthcare costs, reduced sick leave, and increased employee focus.

Employer Tax Savings

Our exclusive strategies help you save on average $550 per qualified employee per year, starting with your next payroll run. We also provide a dedicated team of experts for program implementation and maintenance at 100%. Employers see a guaranteed ROI in FICA savings from employee participation. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide excellence in customer service and care, giving businesses and their employees the opportunity to close the gap of inaccessibility to healthcare resources, while promoting positive employment engagement and workforce retention.


If you’d like more information about our benefits, get in touch today.

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